Remote Patient Monitoring Platform for Senior Patients

We built a HIPAA-compliant and scalable remote patient monitoring web app to help healthcare providers deliver faster, real-time, and much more affordable remote care.


Business Context

The increasing need for home care, especially among older adults and post-surgery patients, led a team of healthcare enthusiasts to approach us with an idea for a remote patient monitoring app. Recognizing the limitations of existing healthcare systems in providing remote care, we built a platform that would enhance at-home care.
The remote patient monitoring app stands out for its efficiency and convenience. It offers a solution to the challenges faced by current healthcare systems, allowing patients to access quality care from their homes. The app provides real-time alerts and monitoring using modern technology, making healthcare more affordable and accessible.
Healthcare providers can detect health issues early, improving patient care and reducing costs. The app supports multiple smart health devices, ensuring comprehensive coverage. Adaptable to diverse needs, it prioritizes preventive remote care and simplifies communication for smoother billing.


Web app


14 weeks



We prioritized a robust and secure tech stack to ensure optimal performance and patient data privacy.

reactjs logo

React for frontend

Serverless Lambda

AWS Lambda for backend

PostgreSQL Logo

PostgreSQL as database


Ant design as UI library

Partnership Goal

Our client wanted a small, tech-strong, and flexible team capable of taking ownership. They needed development partners with healthcare expertise, a willingness to build new solutions, an innovative mindset, and a focus on using the latest technologies with ongoing support. We developed a remote patient monitoring app that adapts to their needs and keeps costs down. This solution gives the client control, meets diverse user needs, and supports efficient remote care.


  • Frequent in-person visits
  • Inefficient communication between patients and providers
  • Lack of real time data
  • Limited historical data
  • Inability to continuously monitor health
  • High operational costs
  • Manual and time-consuming administrative tasks
  • Difficulty in tracking patient progress remotely
  • Limited preventive care options


  • At-home monitoring
  • Real-time readings
  • Vital sign alarms
  • Streamlined operations
  • Improved efficiency
  • Enhanced communication
  • Better patient progress tracking
  • Internet-connected
  • Reduced need for in-person visits
  • Results viewable in online portal
  • Lower operational costs
  • Automated administrative tasks
  • Increased patient engagement and satisfaction
  • Proactive health management
  • Integrated care coordination among healthcare providers
  • Improved data accuracy and reliability
  • Compliance with HIPAA guidelines
  • Secure data management and privacy protection
  • Customizable and scalable solution

Team Formation

The development of the PDC app demonstrates our collaborative approach. Our team of seven members partnered with a dedicated client team of three key stakeholders. We utilized Slack for daily updates and Asana for project management to ensure clear communication and organization.
The development process embraced Agile methodologies, with 2-week sprints keeping the project focused and efficient. We handled support issues promptly via Slack, and our bug resolution approach involved thorough testing in development, testing, and staging environments before deployment to production.
This structured and communicative approach ensured a smooth workflow and led to the successful delivery of the healthcare app.

Company to build a remote patient monitoring app

devices like CGM, BPM supported

clinics enrolled in 60 days

secure and HIPAA compliant

Our partnership

Our team collaborated with the client to understand their objectives and develop a remote patient monitoring (RPM) app tailored to their patient demographic, focusing on pre- and post-surgery and elderly patients. Beginning with comprehensive feature and technology planning sessions, we meticulously crafted a roadmap to align with the client's goals.
The RPM software uses HIPAA-compliant AWS services for secure data management and storage. To efficiently handle data processing, we implemented scalable SQS queues, ensuring seamless transmission and processing of health data from various sources, such as continuous glucose monitors (CGM), blood pressure monitors (BPM), and other wearable health monitoring devices for comprehensive patient monitoring.

Connect Smart Health Devices

Patients receive wearable health monitoring devices that seamlessly integrate with software, improving home health care.

Connect Smart Health Devices

Real-Time Monitoring & Alerts

Providers see patients' latest health data in real-time, allowing for quicker decisions and timely intervention through critical reading alerts.

Real time remote patient monitoring

HIPAA-Compliant Multi-Access

Separate logins for admins, providers, patients, and specialists ensure adherence to strict HIPAA regulations and safeguard patient data.

HIPAA-Compliant Multi-Access

Connected Care Teams

Patients securely share health data with authorized healthcare providers, fostering collaboration for better at-home care.

Connected Care Teams

PDC is great for our clinic. It's easy to use, and it helps us communicate better with patients.

Dr. Smith

Primary Care Physician



What happened next

The remote patient monitoring app, PDC, a platform that simplifies at-home care for seniors and pre- and post-surgery patients, was a huge success. In just three months, over 50 clinics have adopted the app, and we expect a 50% growth in the next quarter, further solidifying its position in the market.
The client was delighted with our approach to the project, appreciating how we efficiently managed every aspect and precisely met their needs. Healthcare professionals and patients laud the app's intuitive interface and secure data management, creating a win-win situation.
Capitalizing on this momentum, we're working with our client to actively expand the app's capabilities. We aim to obtain better compatibility with a broader range of medical devices beyond the existing blood pressure monitors (BPM) and continuous glucose monitors (CGM).
This will allow even more comprehensive remote monitoring, helping healthcare providers to offer better care.

Success story of building a remote patient monitoring app

Still curious?

  • What are the biggest challenges in building a secure remote patient monitoring app?

    Security and data privacy are paramount in healthcare. At RaftLabs, we tackled this challenge by building the PDC app with a robust tech stack that prioritizes security. This included features like:

    • Multi-factor authentication: Ensures only authorized users can access patient data.

    • Secure data storage: We used HIPAA compliant cloud storage (like Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Azure) to safeguard sensitive information.

    • Encrypted communication: All data transmitted between devices, apps, and servers is encrypted using industry-standard protocols.

    By prioritizing security from the outset, we were able to build trust with both patients and healthcare providers.

  • Can a remote patient monitoring app improve wait times and response rates?

    Absolutely! Our PDC app demonstrated a significant improvement in response times. Features like real-time data monitoring and automated workflows allow healthcare professionals to identify and address patient needs more quickly. In the case of the PDC app, helped reduce response times by 50%.

  • How long does it typically take to develop a remote patient monitoring app?

    The development timeline depends on the app's complexity and features. The PDC app was built in a two-phase agile development process, taking approximately 14 weeks. This approach allowed us to prioritize core functionalities first and ensure a clear roadmap for future development.

  • What are the benefits of using a multi-access system in a remote patient monitoring app?

    Using a multi-access system in a remote patient monitoring app offers several benefits:

    1. Enhanced Security: Separate logins protect patient data and reduce the risk of breaches.
    2. Regulatory Compliance: Adherence to regulations like HIPAA ensures patient privacy.
    3. Customized User Experience: Tailored access levels improve usability for different user groups.
    4. Streamlined Collaboration: Facilitates efficient communication among healthcare professionals.
    5. Accountability and Transparency: Individual logins enable tracking of user activities.
  • How does AI integration benefit the remote patient monitoring app for doctors?

    AI integration in the remote patient monitoring app enables advanced analysis of patient health data, providing valuable insights and improving decision-making for healthcare providers. This leads to more personalized and efficient patient care.

  • Is patient data secure with AI integration in the remote patient monitoring app?

    Yes, patient data security is a top priority in the remote patient monitoring app. All AI-driven analyses and data processing adhere to strict privacy regulations such as HIPAA, ensuring that patient information remains confidential and protected.

  • How can I develop a remote patient monitoring app similar to PDC?

    If you're interested in developing a remote patient monitoring app, RaftLabs can help! Our team of experts has extensive experience in building secure, HIPAA-compliant remote healthcare applications. We'll work with you to understand your specific needs and develop a custom solution that improves patient care and streamlines workflows. To arrange a complimentary consultation call with our team of app development experts, please visit our Contact Us page.

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