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Exploring Big Data and Hadoop

DevelopmentOctober 20, 2023

1. Big Data and Hadoop

The 3-hour Interactive live class covers What is Big Data, What is Hadoop, and Why Hadoop? We also understand the details of the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). The Tutorial covers the Name Node, Data Nodes, Secondary Name Node, and the need for Hadoop in detail. It details concepts like Rack Awareness, Data Replication, Reading, and Writing on HDFS. We will also show you how to set up Cloudera VM on your machine.

[Created by Edureka!]

2. Hadoop Illuminated

'Hadoop Illuminated' is an open-source book about Apache Hadoop™. It aims to make Hadoop knowledge accessible to a broader audience, not just to the highly technical.

The book is a 'living book' -- we will keep updating it to cover the fast-evolving Hadoop ecosystem.

[Created by Mark Kerzner and Sujee Maniam]

3. Big Data and Hadoop Full Course

In this Hadoop training, you will learn big data & Hadoop's entire course from the beginning to all the advanced concepts with a hands-on demo. There is a project as well at the end so that you can master this technology. This Hadoop training will help you learn Hadoop in 12 hours altogether.

[Created by Intellipaat]

4. Apache Hadoop Architecture

In this article, we will study Hadoop Architecture. The article explains the Hadoop architecture and its components: HDFS, MapReduce, and YARN. In the article, we will explore the Hadoop architecture in detail, along with the Hadoop Architecture diagram.

[Created by TechVidvan]

5. Hadoop Tutorial for Beginners

This entire course video on Hadoop will introduce you to the world of big data, the applications of big data, the significant challenges in big data, and how Hadoop solves these significant challenges. You will:

  1. Get an idea about the essential tools that are part of the Hadoop ecosystem.
  2. Learn how Hadoop stores vast volumes of data using HDFS and processes this data using MapReduce.
  3. Understand how cluster resource management works using YARN.

It will let you know how to query and analyze big data using tools and frameworks like Hive, Pig, Sqoop, and HBase. These tools will give a hands-on experience that will help you understand it better.

Finally, you will see how to become a prominent data engineer and come across a few essential interview questions to build your career in Hadoop. Now, let's get started and learn Hadoop.

[Created by Simplilearn]

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is covered in a Big Data and Hadoop live class?

    A Big Data and Hadoop live class covers topics such as What is Big Data, What is Hadoop, Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), and setup of Cloudera VM.

  • Who created the 'Hadoop Illuminated' book?

    Hadoop Illuminated' is an open-source book created by Mark Kerzner and Sujee Maniam.

  • What is included in the Big Data and Hadoop full course?

    The Big Data and Hadoop full course includes learning from beginner to advanced concepts, with hands-on demos and a project."}},

  • What is explained in the Apache Hadoop Architecture article?

    The Apache Hadoop Architecture article explains the components: HDFS, MapReduce, and YARN, along with a detailed architecture diagram.

  • What will I learn in the Hadoop tutorial for beginners?

    In the Hadoop tutorial for beginners, you will learn about big data applications, challenges, HDFS, MapReduce, YARN, and various tools in the Hadoop ecosystem.

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